07/19/2010 | Michael Rabaca (mrabaca att hotmail dott com). The pictures of the atoll are beautiful. The sand and water look incredible. Mahalo, Michael. 07/20/2010 | Isabelle Chigros-Fraser (isabelle dott adele att hotmail dott com) ... This never-ending vacation seems amazing.... I need to get a boat and do the same :-). 05/24/2010 | Dave Wallis (dwallis101 att yahoo dott com). Glad to see you made it safely thru the 3K mile trip and that all is well. ...
As a result of flooding in the area of Rabacas, the pipeline was damaged, and in Ponta do Sol and parts of Ribeira Brava, the water has been unsafe to drink since December 24. Despite two tankers of water in the area, the locals have ...
As a result of flooding in the area of Rabacas, the pipeline was damaged, and in Ponta do Sol and parts of Ribeira Brava, the water has been unsafe to drink since December 24. Despite two tankers of water in the area, the locals have ...